1. Business
  3. Cable TV station in Chugoku district, west Japan

Cable TV station in Chugoku district, west Japan

Introduction service
Communication costs must be improved
Communication quality is unsatisfactory
Most host ISPs can be connected
Significant reduction in running cost
There are a limited number of host ISPs that can be connected locally; the price remains high because there is no competition.
Because of the delay in the host ISP network, the execution speed has not improved.
The transmission delay and the execution speed must be improved.
The NOC devices are also monitored remotely during off-hours and holidays.
Mail is sent to a mobile phone if there is a problem in the system, but the mail may not be noticed.
For these reasons, the customer wanted the monitoring operation to be low cost remote “manned” monitoring system.

ARTERIA Networks proposed “DynaEther” for an Ethernet leased circuit to connect to the host ISP.
Implementing a customer’s router in Tokyo allows connection to most of the host ISPs, increasing the options.
As a result, the price negotiation was easier and the running cost could be significantly reduced.
Our leased circuit does not go through the switch, causing no congestion in the network and significantly improving transmission delays.
Furthermore, the remote monitoring service implemented gave the customer peace of mind because if anything happens e-mail is sent to the customer.

Customer Overview

Company Name:
Cable TV station in Chugoku district, west Japan
IT industry(CATV station)

Introduction flow

Back ground

ISSUE1There are a limited number of host ISPs that can be connected locally; the price remains high.

ARTERIA Networks proposal
We proposed to install a Giga-class leased circuit in the customer router in our DC to connect to IX and the host ISP from the router. The Giga-class leased circuit can sufficiently absorb future traffic increases between the customer's NOC and our DC.

ISSUE2Transmission delays and execution speed must be improved.

ARTERIA Networks proposal
We suggested our proprietary leased circuit which does not go through the switch, causing no congestion in the network and significantly improving transmission delays.

ISSUE3Low cost, remote manned monitoring needs to be consigned.

ARTERIA Networks proposal
We proposed a service that remotely monitors the equipment in the customer's NOC and the temperature and humidity.

Customer's point of choice

POINT1With traffic increases in mind, implementing a leased circuit to Tokyo and a new router enables significant cost savings.


EFFECT1Most host ISPs can be connected.

EFFECT2The increased number of connection options allows for effective price negotiations, significantly reducing running costs.

EFFECT3Transmission delays were drastically reduced.

EFFECT4A low cost NOC remote monitoring service was implemented.

Network Configuration Diagram