Super Flextime System
This system allows individual employees to determine their working hours freely to suit their job and lifestyle, so they do not have to adhere to a uniform start time or set daily working hours. The system enables employees to achieve a harmonious balance between work and personal life, and to work efficiently. There are no set core hours during which they must work, which allows for a more flexible work style.
Remote Work System

This system enables employees to work from home or other locations. It creates an environment where employees can establish individual workstyles and work flexibly and efficiently. We have seen various effects from using the system, such as making effective use of commute time and work efficiency gains. The Group allows employees to use telework for up to 10 days per month, and the system is available across the entire organization. (During the COVID-19 pandemic, the upper limit on the number of days the system could be used was removed as part of flexible operations to maintain employees’ health.)
Satellite Offices
Group employees can make free use of satellite offices, where they are able to concentrate on their work while reducing their commute time to accommodate their diverse lifestyles.
By fiscal 2021, satellite offices had been established in Yokohama (closest station: Yokohama Station) and Nerima (closest station: Nerima Station). In fiscal 2022, offices were also opened in Motoyawata (closest station: Motoyawata Station), and Takatsu (closest station: Takatsu Station/Musashi-Mizonokuchi Station)
Refresh Day
Every Wednesday, employees are encouraged to leave the office at the regular time of 17:30, regardless of what time they started.Employees use the time after leaving the office in all kinds of ways. For example, some undertake self-improvement through study to acquire languages and qualifications, while others exercise at a sports club or gym to refresh both mind and body. Still others spend time having a relaxing evening meal with their family, or enjoying personal private time.Another benefit of this program has been an increase in work efficiency as each employee works hard to be able to leave the office at the regular time.
Reduced Working Hours during Childrearing System (Until children reach the third grade of elementary school)
This system allows employees to work shorter hours while raising children. Under the Group’s Reduced Working Hours during Childrearing System, employees can reduce their working hours by up to 2 hours (actual worktime can be 5.5 hours) until their children reach the third grade of elementary school. Other systems include Childrearing Leave (100% usage rate among female employees) and Child Nursing Leave. With these systems, the ARTERIA Group has created an environment where employees can undertake both work with childrearing.
Overtime (Non-Statutory)
With the use of these various systems, the average amount of overtime per month (non-statutory) for fiscal 2018 was 12 hours.
This is a system for working attire aimed at fostering a culture where employees can be richly imaginative and create their own ideas, then act on them. We have abolished the distinctions between casual and formal attire, allowing employees to select their own attire according to what they deem most appropriate while observing minimum guidelines.
Mandatory Retirement System
In April 2022, the Group will extend the age of the mandatory retirement system from 60 to 65.
Moreover, to accommodate their diverse lifestyles, the Group’s employees may also choose to have retirement at the age of 60. In this case, they may choose either to retire when they reach 60 or to be rehired on a one-year renewable contract until the age of 65.
In conjunction with this change, the Group will also adopt the “post-off” system (mandatory retirement from executive positions at the end of the fiscal year of their 60th birthday), with a view to revitalizing our organization while developing successors at the same time.
Three stars acquired under the Eruboshi Certification

Based on the Act on Promotion of Female Participation and Career Advancement in the Workplace, the Eruboshi Certification program evaluates companies on five criteria: Adoption, Continued employment, Working style such as working hours, Manager ratio, and Diverse career courses. By meeting the standard for all five criteria, the Company acquired the third stage certification (three stars.)
We will continue striving to be a company where all employees, including women, can maintain their workstyles while participating with a clarity of purpose in their work.
Acquisition of “Kurumin” Certification in Accordance with the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children

ARTERIA Networks acquired ‘Kurumin” certification as a company that supports employees raising children, in accordance with the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children.
We will continue to foster workplace environments that accommodate diverse lifestyles, aiming to realize workplaces where employees can work in their own style while being mindful of their work-life balance.